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Dessert Carts for Hospitals & Restaurants

Medium Duty 6 Shelf Cart

Medium Duty 6 Shelf Cart

Item# 844LKE
Retail Price: $2,644.00
Your Price: $1,864.29
in stock Unit: single
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8 Shelf Cart

8 Shelf Cart

Item# 154LKE
Retail Price: $3,660.00
Your Price: $2,644.07
in stock Unit: single
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Multi-Shelf Cart

Multi-Shelf Cart

Item# 264LKE
Retail Price: $4,285.00
Your Price: $3,260.57
in stock Unit: single
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Chaos is common to catering. It is a carefully organized insanity with dessert carts, waiters, and trays being pushed and pulled throughout the kitchen on their respective ways. The setting of the catering business does not matter, in fact, one of the most demanding catering places is the hospital cafeteria kitchen. Not only must it prepare and serve foods for the cafeteria's patrons, but it also has to create dishes tailored to the specific dietary needs of the patients who must stay for an extended time in the hospital. With all of this going on, the kitchen in a hospital must, above all else, run efficiently. The only way this can be accomplished is to have high quality equipment such as dessert carts which can be relied upon to withstand the abuses of daily use in the hospital cafeteria madness.


There are many aspects of quality dessert carts which any purchaser needs to look for when making their selections. Finding these qualities in carts will ensure that you are buying only the highest caliber equipment which is sure to last through the years. A long life from a durable cart will prevent needlessly purchasing replacements which often happens when buyers try to save budget money by acquiring cheaply made products. Well crafted products can be found for low prices, but you will have to know what to require.


A dessert cart must be able to clearly display a large array of foods on trays, whether they are desserts or entrees. This means that the shelves must be large enough to accommodate all of these choices without appearing cluttered. Open space between the shelves should be at least twelve inches to ensure that even trays on the bottom shelves can be easily seen. Additional side shelves and an added trash can could also prove useful depending upon the end purpose for the cart.


It does not matter if the dessert carts are intended for use in the cafeteria itself, the kitchen, or for delivery to the wards, durability will be a requirement. The carts should be made of stainless steel and have reinforcing on the corners and or the edges of the cart. Stainless steel is easy to keep clean and will not rust. All of these greatly contribute to the longevity of the carts. Longer lives mean fewer replacements and money saved over time. This only proves an asset to constricted budgets.


In light of their ferrying trays and plates, dessert carts must be easily maneuvered throughout the hospital's cafeteria and beyond. Carts which are too high and too narrow are likely to tip over. This creates a hazard for the kitchen and dining areas. Additionally, carts which do not easily move are more likely to be hit by faster moving people and objects around them. This increases the level of abuse to the carts, thus shortening their lives. Large, heavy casters of at least five inches add to the stability and maneuverability of the carts. They should be able to easily turn 360 degrees.


Above all else, to save budget costs over time for your dessert carts, you must find serviceable models which are built to last.


MSEC remains dedicated to stocking the very best and the very latest in medical supplies and equipment.  We never cease to be on the lookout for the latest innovation that will benefit both our many clients and the patients they dedicate their lives to caring for.  If you have any difficulty finding your choices in our vast inventory, call our customer service at 1-877-706-4480 to speed up your order or to make a special request.  We are always happy to help you.