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A Portable Hand Wash Station is a Must in School Settings

Child Height Portable Sink w/ ABS Basin
Retail Price: $2,352.00
Your Price: $1,768.89

Child Height Portable Sink w/ Stainless Steel Top
Retail Price: $2,894.00
Your Price: $1,983.69
There are many classrooms in schools that don't have their own sink and hot water supply. In fact, in many traditional classrooms, as well as additional portable buildings or add-on classrooms, running water may not be an option at all. This is because older school buildings and new additions to the school may not have been built to include water and sewage lines. For these types of situations, a portable hand wash station is the perfect answer.
Classrooms can really benefit from a portable hand wash station for a variety of reasons. First is the obvious benefit to providing hot and cold water right in the classroom environment. Teachers no longer have to worry about children heading off down the hallway or into a main building to do a simple hand wash and it can all be done right in the classroom. This is also a perfect option for outdoor learning spaces such as school gardens or school play areas. Having the option to move a portable hand wash station to any location you need, indoors or out, is a real stress saver for the instructor.
Kids that are active in their learning are going to need to wash their hands on a regular basis. This can include after hands-on science activities, art classes, or in preparation for any type of snacks or meals. Imagine how much easier it would be if all children could use a portable hand wash station right in the classroom. This can also be a terrific way to monitor hand washing and to be able to help children understand how important hand washing is in daily hygiene routines.
Teachers can also use the portable hand wash station as a teaching tool. It is important for children to learn correct hand washing procedures. Small groups of students or the entire class can all practice soaping, washing and rinsing as outlined by the best practices for germ reduction. Not only will the students in your class stay healthier and happier, but parents will also appreciate this additional training and practice.
There are several different styles of child friendly portable hand wash stations. A very popular option offers a twin basin design which allows two children to have access to their own facet and sink basin at the same time. These models can have a variety of different cabinets and countertops to match the classroom décor and the use requirements. Stainless steel counter tops offer a very durable option that is easy to clean and resistant to any scratching or discoloration. Laminate tops provide a wide range of colors that are also very durable and built to stand up to classroom use.
Kids will also enjoy the optional step that can be ordered to match the cabinet color and material. Although portable hand wash stations for classrooms are all designed to measure just 28 inches in height, perfect for kids, the step up is a wonderful option for kindergarten and pre-school, nursery or daycare centers that have smaller children.